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Question about charges for VoWiFi abroad

Hi, as shown in the following screenshot, I'm able to have VoWiFi working abroad (in Marokko). I'm not 100% sure, so technically speaking, it should't occur any charges if I send/receive calls/sms only Belgian numbers, but can anybody who had the same experience confirm or deny this information ?

FYI: I ways have Airplane Mode enabled, so not connected to the local provider's network over Roaming.


Thanks in advance.


Titel changed by Suzy (admin) | Previous title: VoWiFi abroad

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Question about charges for VoWiFi abroad

Hi, is there anyone who can help @shimgapi with this question please? | Expert Moderator

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Question about charges for VoWiFi abroad

@shimgapi I noticed you posted this question on the French side of our community (Les Netnologues), but our Dutch side is much more active. Therefore I have moved your topic to the Dutch side, in the hope someone can help you with your VoWiFi question. Since you wrote it in English, I think it makes no difference on which side it's on. 😉
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Question about charges for VoWiFi abroad

To be sure: try with a small call to Belgium and verify it in My Telenet.