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Tv Box unstable, changes often from radio to TV channel

3 reacties
Professional Superweter
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Tv Box unstable, changes often from radio to TV channel



Je zal toch net iets meer moeten zeggen als je geholpen wil worden.


(Please explain your problem in the body of the message. Provide as many details as you can.)

  Bjørn (sb) | Ere-Krak
 An angel led me when I was blind, I said 'Take me back, I've changed my mind.'  
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Tv Box unstable, changes often from radio to TV channel


Nog geen oplossing maar gelijkaardig probleem.


  louishufk | Ere-Krak
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Tv Box unstable, changes often from radio to TV channel

@Aja like @louishufk already mentioned, there is another thread on De Netweters where a customer experiences the same issue. The TV-box switches back to live TV after playing radio for a while. A while isn't defined yet, since the time frame isn't the same. This info was shared with the engineering team and they will investigate it.


Next time it's also best to add a bit if information to the content of your post. Now you only filled in the title. 😉
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